"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Newsletter #9

February 13, 2012 Newsletter #9

Remember Parents: Report Card Conferences this Week: Wed. 2/15, Thurs. 2/16, and Fri. 2/17 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Students will be dismissed at 12:09 on conference days.

***Appointment letters were sent home last week.

7th & 8th Grade Dance: The dance was a great success! Many thanks to Ms. Stephens, Mrs. Gaillard, Ms. MacNeill, The Home and School Association ,Mr. Rupertus, Mr. Golson, and all parents who helped and chaperoned!

Social Studies Project: All 8th Grade students have an important Social Studies project due on March 30, 2012.

Students brought home the requirements on a bright green paper last week. If you would like me to email you a copy, contact me at krluebbert@philasd.org

School Reform Commission announces that due to budget crisis there will be no summer school!

*****Parents, we are well into the third marking period. If your child has failed one or more subjects so far this year, he/she is in grave danger of returning to bache for 8th grade again next fall!

#####THERE WILL BE NO SUMMER SCHOOL—please discuss this with your child and make sure they improve their work.

“EXTRA CREDIT”— the third marking period is underway, and it might be useful to explain what ‘extra credit’ means: It is for the VERY RARE times when a student has tried his/her best every day, but still needs a little EXTRA work to pass a class, OR it is awarded when a student has done something BEYOND what is expected. IT IS NOT for a student who has neglected to do homework, or work in class, or projects, and is therefore failing the class. Extra credit WILL NOT be given to students who are missing regular assignments. Please discuss with your child the importance of giving his/her effort every day in school. Thank you.

READING AND WRITING—All students should be reading a book or magazine of their choice for twenty minutes each night. Students also have several ongoing writing project that they should be working on at least several times a week.