"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Newsletter #8

January 25, 2012

School Reform Commission announces that due to budget crisis there will be no summer school!

*****Parents, we have just entered the third marking period. If your child has failed one or more subjects so far this year, he/she is in grave danger of returning to bache for 8th grade again next fall!

#####THERE WILL BE NO SUMMER SCHOOL—please discuss this with your child and make sure they improve their work.

School Supplies: Parents, many students are now coming to school without pens, pencils, paper, notebooks…..Please make sure your child has all needed supplies to be successful in school.

Parents and Guardians: We care for our students here at Bache, and know Middle Schoolers need guidance to make good decisions. Please talk with your child about appropriate actions and behavior. Please, please, make sure they do not bring anything unsafe to school---poor decisions can have dire consequences for them and others!

DATE for Closing Exercises: Our Closing Exercises Date is awaiting approval by the AD-8 offices

****Please ask your child about the new Interactive Notebook they are using in Math class. It will be a great organizational and study tool for them.

READING AND WRITING—All students should be reading a book or magazine of their choice for twenty minutes each night. Students also have several ongoing writing project that they should be working on at least several times a week.

Kristin Luebbert: krluebbert@philasd.org

Trina Allen: tdallen@philasd.org

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